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Christmas is Around the Corner!

Christmas is Around the Corner!
Christmas is Around the Corner!

By CanvasChamp TeamApril, 10 2020July, 20 2022Comment

The trees are almost bare, the days are growing ever shorter, and the crisp air is becoming decidedly chilly. Fall is slowly but surely giving way to winter, and, whether we’re ready or not, Christmas is right around the corner. Before you get swept up in the stress of holiday shopping and traveling to visit loved ones, why not come up with a game plan to stay on top of your holiday décor?

Christmas Gifts

These fun holiday décor ideas are sure to secure the title of “Most Festive” and guarantee you a spot on Santa’s “nice list.”

1.Bus Rolls: What in the world are “bus rolls” you ask? These were printed signs from a bygone era that listed city destinations in bus and railway stations. Modern technology has replaced them, but you can use this charming concept to design your own festive signs throughout the house. Design your own with favorite holiday movie quotes or titles, song lyrics, or funny family sayings. Let your imagination be your guide! You can also choose from our collection of predesigned layouts. All aboard for holiday fun!

what is a Bus Rolls

2. Decals: Damage-free wall decals are the way to go for a glam holiday look with minimal effort. Don’t want to spring for a real tree this year? A tree-shaped decal on your wall puts a minimalist twist on a beloved tradition, and you won’t have to worry about watering it or sweeping up pine needles. With proper storage, you can even reuse it next year! Alternatively, you can deck the halls with walls of lyrics from your favorite Christmas carols or add flirty mistletoe decals to your mirrors.

Custom Wall Decals

3.Pillows: Swap out your pillow covers for an easy and festive pop of color on the coziest of all home décor accessories. Once the holidays have passed, you can wash and store them for next year! Custom pillow covers are also a great way to turn your favorite memories into cuddly gifts. For instance, you could gift your bestie a pillow with your face on it or give Grandma a pillow featuring all the grandkids. You’re only limited by your creativity, and the possibilities are nearly endless.  

Custom Photo Pillows

4. Magic Mugs: With winter approaching, it’s time to start enjoying hot beverages like hot cocoa, mulled wine, or hot toddies. Add holiday magic to your favorite recipes by serving them in a custom magic mug that’s sure to delight adults and children alike. As you pour the hot liquid, the magic mug slowly reveals your personalized photo or design.

Custom Magic Mugs

5. Photo Puzzles: In today’s technological world you’d think puzzles would be obsolete. Think again! Puzzles are still a great way for kids to learn about geography and for adults to improve memory skills. Puzzles featuring gorgeous country scenes, cuddly puppies, and historic sites are nice, but custom puzzles add a much more personal touch. So, how can you take a puzzle to the next level? Try creating a photo puzzle that you and your loved ones will never forget.

Now you’re ready to have the holliest, jolliest Christmas, so bring on the jingle bells, the mistletoe, and the reindeer, and we’ll see you in 2020.